In the heart of the Cosmosis collection lies a profound exploration of the interconnectedness of all things. It delves into the intricate fabric of the universe, where every element, pattern, and form are interwoven in a mesmerizing dance of existence.
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cosmic union
Through intricate symbolism, Cosmosis unveils some unseen layers hidden underneath the surface of reality. It invites contemplation of non-separateness, kindling the spark of sudden self-realization while inviting the clarity of enlightenment.
These artworks serve as portals into a realm where the observer becomes the observed, where time and space dissolve, and where the mysteries of existence unfold. ‘Cosmosis’ whispers a timeless message, reminding us of the eternal connection that threads through the tapestry of the cosmos. Each piece in this collection is a testament to the artist’s quest to capture the essence of the universe, offering viewers a glimpse into the profound interplay between observer and observed in the grand symphony of life.
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